Laws relating to Trademark in Tunisia

The trademarks in Tunisia are due for renewal every 10 Gregorian years from the filing date, and you have 6 month grace period after the expiry date to settle the renewal fees. The penalty is one-time and NOT calculated for each late month.

Trademark renewal process in Tunisia

Trademark renewal involves obtaining accurate details of the trademark, submitting the filing date and number to the trademark office, completing documents accurately, and submitting official fees. 

A trademark lasts for 10 years from the filing date in Tunisia and can be renewed within the last year of protection.

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What authority is responsible for trademark renewals in Tunisia?

In Tunisia, trademark renewals are handled by the National Institute of Standardization and Industrial Property (INNORPI), also known as the Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriété Industrielle. INNORPI is the governmental authority responsible for the registration and management of intellectual property rights, including trademarks, patents, and industrial designs.

How long does it take to get a trademark renewal in Tunisia?

The Renewal process in Tunisia takes around 2-4 weeks after filing to issue the renewal certificate.

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Costs for trademark renewal in Tunisia

Costs relating to trademark registration are both official and professional. Official fees are fees paid to the government for processing your trademark renewal and are required to be paid one time.

Professional fees for trademark renewal

Our professional fees range from USD 99 to USD 350 depending on the package you choose. Once you are ready to start, choose the package you want and you will see the total official fees and professional fees for each package

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Official fees for trademark renewal

Official fees are fees paid to the government for processing your trademark renewal and are required to be paid each time you choose to renew your trademark. In Tunisia, the total official fee for trademark renewal is USD 414 per trademark class.

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What are the penalty charges for late renewal in Tunisia?

There are no penalty charges for late renewals because the trademark law in Tunisia does not provide applicants with a grace period to file their renewals.

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How long is a trademark protected for?

A trademark lasts for 10 years from the filing date in Tunisa and can be renewed within the last year of protection.

When does the protection of a trademark in Tunisia start?

The registration of a trademark in Tunisia protects for 10 years from the date of filing, and the protection can be renewed for successive periods of 10 years.

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When can I renew my trademark in Tunisia?

A Trademark in Tunisia should be renewed every 10 years from the filing date. After renewing the trademark, it becomes valid for another 10 years. While a trademark lasts for 10 years from the filing date, it can be renewed within the last 6 months of protection. Trademark renewals can be filed 6 months before the expiry date.

What is the grace period for trademark renewal in Tunisia?

The trademark law in Tunisia does not provide applicants with a grace period to file their renewals.

What are the documents required for trademark renewal in Tunisia?

The required documents for renewing a trademark in Tunisia are:

A power of attorney

  • POA simply signed.

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What are important deadlines for trademark renewal in Tunisia?

  • The trademarks in Tunisia become due for renewal every 10 years from the filing date.

  • Trademark renewals can be filed 6 before the expiry date.

What happens if I forget to renew my trademark in Tunisia?

If a trademark owner forgets to renew their trademark in Tunisia, the consequences can be significant. Failure to renew the trademark within the specified timeframe may result in the trademark lapsing or being considered abandoned. Once the trademark has lapsed, it is no longer protected, and the owner loses the exclusive rights associated with the mark. In such cases, the owner would need to re-file the trademark application, essentially starting the registration process from scratch.

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Local tips for trademark renewal in Tunisia

  • A renewal application can be filed up to six months before the expiry deadline, and the new ten years period is calculated as from the end of the previous protection period and not from the renewal date. 

  • The trademark law in Tunisia does not provide applicants with a grace period to file their renewals.

  • A partial renewal application is accepted. However, modifications and extensions to other goods or services are not allowed.

Other for trademark renewal in Tunisia


Service level guarantee for trademark renewal in Tunisia

If you require approval from management, you can print this page and obtain approvals. Remember to choose the package you want. If you are not a lawyer, we recommend you choose the premium package. We have individually vetted all trademark agents, and have provided them with a proprietary system owned by Easy Trademarks to guarantee the level of service you will receive.

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